How to Stick it to the IRS

Chapter 3: What are the Red Flags that will prompt an IRS Audit?

Now is a good time for us to discuss red flags that will get you audited. Whether you have a small business or you have a job there are actions that you can take, or not take, that will prompt the IRS to pull your tax return for an audit. Unlike some of the IRS propaganda that says most tax returns are randomly selected, there are many that are selected because the business owner or wage earner waived a big red flag saying, “Come and get me!”

In this chapter I will give you these red flags and show you how to avoid them in the future. I will also tell you how to handle the IRS if your return has been selected because of one or more of these red flags. So just sit back and take notes on these secrets, straight from a former insider.


First I want to make sure we are on the same page about the definition of “Red Flag.” The Webster Dictionary definition of red flag is: “A warning sign; a sign that there is a problem that should be noticed or dealt with”. The IRS uses a variety of methods to expose red flags in all types of tax returns. They do use statistical data and mathematical algorithms based on national norms. However, those are only a few methods used. In addition, there are red flags that aren’t even generated inside of the IRS but come from our everyday environments. Let’s review them so that you will know what they are and do your best to avoid falling into the IRS’s red flag trap.


When I was in revenue agent training one of the first things that I learned is that when I received a tax return for audit and the numbers on the return were all or mostly round numbers it was probably lots of estimates. People that don’t keep good books and records tend to estimate when preparing their tax returns. For example, if a couple has rental property that they were not keeping up with they may write down monthly income of $600, which would be $7,200 per year.

Although they charged $600 per month, if they estimated based on their normal monthly rental then they did not include late charges or any other charges that the renters had to pay. In addition, if the rental expenses were round numbers they probably guessed at the actual amount of utilities paid, rental maintenance and even commissions paid to property management companies.

The advice about round numbers usually turned out to be true and over 95% of the time that I audited a tax return with round numbers there were large adjustments to the refund claimed or amount owed based on the original return.


First let me say that I believe everyone should have a home-based business because the benefits far outweigh the risks. With that said, one of the main reasons that having a home-based business is an audit red flag is because these Schedule C or small corporate tax returns are used to train new revenue agents. When the IRS trains new agents they don’t want to give them tax returns containing only W-2 wages that had the taxes taken out and on which the person is receiving a refund. Aside from that being a complete waste of time it would get a new revenue agent in the habit of performing lots of “no-change” audits, and the IRS surely doesn’t want that. Instead, they let new revenue agents cut their teeth on home-based business tax returns because they feel there is a better chance that the business owner either left off some of the income earned or padded the expenses. When I was a revenue agent many times the expenses were overstated and sometimes the income was understated.


Another reason that home-based businesses are a red flag for audit is that business owners will write off too much of their home space and home expenses on their business returns. The IRS says that the space used for business must be used exclusively and regularly for business. For example, if the business was done in a small bedroom the business owner was supposed to measure that room and use the square footage of that room versus the square footage of the entire house. Many

times people would deduct half the utilities, mortgage and real estate taxes, which would result in a large audit adjustment against them. Also, if all business was done at the kitchen table no deductions were allowed. In the initial interview, which we will discuss later, the revenue agent would ask where the business was conducted, and if the business owner said the kitchen, living room or other shared room they lost that entire deduction.


Based on statistical data, the IRS has determined that most people that go to church give about $26 a year ($1 per Sunday) and give less than $100 a year to other charitable organizations. With that in mind, people that are big givers tend to be flagged for audit. Christians and those in other religions that give tithes and offerings are highly susceptible to audits because their giving stands out like a sore thumb. If a Christian earns $75,000 a year it looks highly unusual for cash contributions to be $8,000 and that return is likely to be selected for an audit. It would usually not be an extensive audit but could turn into one if the person couldn’t substantiate the amount deducted.

As far as non-cash charitable contributions are concerned, when a person has deducted a high amount in that category, another red flag is raised. If the person did not keep the proper records to prove the deduction thenan audit adjustment is likely. So make sure you follow proper record keeping procedures for non-cash deductions given to the Salvation Army, churches, Goodwill or similar organizations. I explain the beauty of taking non-cash charitable contributions deductions in Chapter 14 of this book.


When you have a home-based business or even a brick and mortar business, and you claim losses for three years in a row, the IRS can consider your business a hobby and try to disallow your losses. Good books and records are the key to proving that you are not running a hobby. Most businesses have losses for the first few years due to the start-up process, but make sure that after the first few years

you keep a proper accounting of your business so that you can stand up to the IRS if they insult your hard work by calling your business a hobby.


No this one you won’t find in popular newspapers and magazines come January. I experienced many audits that were prompted by nosy or jealous neighbors. The nosy neighbor that sees you driving up in a brand new car, your children in private school and your frequent vacations may feel as though you are not reporting everything you earn. This is especially if you live in a middle class neighborhood. For example, If David Do-Right and his family purchased a house that was well below what they can afford, they can use additional funds on cars, private school and travel. A nosy neighbor that assumes that David bought the house for a price that reached his allowable borrowing limit may think that the Do-Rightsaredoing something illegal or hiding income. These nosy people will actually call the IRS hotline! Thousands of people call the IRS hotline every year to tell on other people. Some of these snitches even try to earn cash awards for their information, just like in some scary futuristic movie where everyone is spying on everyone else.

An actual situation that I am aware of involved an African-American couple that moved into an upscale neighborhood on the ritzy side of town. The husband earns six figures and the wife is self-employed and home schools their children. This couple was selected for audit, and when the husband asked why they were selected the insinuation was that somebody didn’t like the idea of him moving his family into that exclusive neighborhood.

Whether the issue is racial, economic or just jealousy; everyone has to be aware that your neighbors can red flag you for an audit.


The IRS has recently tightened up on whom, besides the “taxpayer” is allowed to prepare tax returns. Shade tree tax preparers and even preparers sanctioned by the IRS don’t always follow the IRS protocol. The biggest problem that I have seen with tax preparers that aren’t CPA’s is that they tend to overstate expenses on their client’s tax returns to either garner larger refunds or wipe out any amount owed. I have seen many cases involving tax preparers that had people lined up outside their doors during tax season because they gained the reputation of getting people big tax refunds. Often when these same tax returns are audited and the IRS realized that the returns were prepared by the same person, the IRS will go in and seize all of the preparer’s records and audit each and every one of their clients because they are pretty sure all the returns have overstated expenses. Some of these tax preparers end up in prison for fraud. In one case the people were paying the preparer based on the amount of refund she could get them. For example, if she prepared a return and the refund was $5,000 she received $500, not a standard preparation fee schedule, like most tax preparers maintained. When the IRS recognized what she was doing they seized all of her client records and prosecuted her for fraud. Each and every one of those clients pointed their fingers right at her and she went to prison. People need to be very careful who they select to prepare their tax returns.


Many self-employed people receive 1099 (Non-Employee Compensation) forms at the end of the year. Construction workers, independent computer programmers, graphic artists and musicians typically receive these forms. When one receives a 1099 it usually means that no taxes were deducted from the amount earned during the year. Thus, the IRS expects these people to send in a check every quarter to prepare for the amount due at yearend.

Some independent contractors have several different jobs or projects each year. If they don’t keep up with their pay on these contracts disaster may strike. When an independent contractor is paid over $600 in any given year, the company or individual that paid them is supposed to send the IRS a copy of that 1099 by February of the next year. The IRS compiles records of each person’s 1099

earnings each year so that they can determine if that person reports all of those project earnings on their tax return.

If an independent contractor does not keep good accounting of his business dealings and leaves off or forgets a few projects, a red flag will wave. For example, if a musician plays the drums for several different churches in a year but he leaves off the income from two or three that paid him during the beginning of the year, he could be in hot water. If those churches sent the IRS 1099’s stating that they paid him, his tax return will have a lower income than the IRS records and he will be hauled in for audit.


Many people that have businesses have to drive all over town to conduct business. Many attempt to deduct mileage in excess of what the IRS allows. Commuting miles are considered miles from your home base to your first stop and from your last stop to your home base. If your first and last stops are your client’s office the IRS considers that entire trip commuting miles. Because most home-basedbusiness owners don’t know that, they end up with all of their so-called business miles disallowed.

Also, if your mileage deduction is very high in comparison to the money you made during the year you will raise a red flag. The IRS expects businesses to have expenses if they have income, but business owners that don’t make much money yet take large mileage deductions look suspicious to the IRS.

Making sure that you document commuting miles and that you make a short business stop (like the local post office) before you make a long trip out to a clients office, Making sure that you record your mileage, will keep you away from raising that red flag.


The IRS realizes that there are many businesses that usually operate almost entirely in cash. These businesses include:

  • Laundry Mats

  • Dry Cleaners

  • Convenience Stores

  • Auto Repair Shops

  • Weekly-stay Motels

Beauticians and Barbershops

People that own these and similar cash businesses are always scrutinized by the IRS because many make a habit of not reporting all of the cash they collect. The IRS has been so concerned with these businesses that they have come up with special audit techniques to try and catch these business owners underreporting their income. For example, the special program to audit laundry mats involves obtaining all of the water bills for the year, counting the number of washing machines and their water capacity, finding out how much is charged for each load and estimating how much the business made that year.

The program set up for beauticians involves collecting the shampoo and relaxer/perm receipts, calculating how many washes/relaxers are done per container and how much was charged per service to determine whether the beautician left off income during the year. In each of these scenarios it is assumed by the IRS that the business owner deducted every expense that was available, so the assumption is that the receipts reflect the true amount used in the business.

Cash business owners should be aware of the special audit programs that have been developed for them and make sure they proceed accordingly.


Business owners with high travel and entertainment expenses persistently raise red flags for audit. It is the IRS’s contention that travel and entertainment expenses are not always ordinary and necessary. They think that people take unnecessary trips that are really vacations, and list them as business trips. They think that when people go out to eat with clients it’s really not about business.

A substantial write-off in this category will wave multiple red flags, especially if the amount deducted appears to be too high for the type of business the taxpayer

runs. When I was an IRS agent they had us looking for personal meals and other travel related claims that didn’t satisfy the strict evidence rules.

In order to legitimately take the deduction for meals and entertainment, the business owner has to retain detailed records showing the amount of the expense, the place of the meeting or meal, the business associates in attendance, the business purpose and notes about what was discussed. In addition receipts must be kept for every expense in this category that is over $75.

When you travel a lot for your business it would be a good idea to keep a separate folder for every trip, put the brochure and agenda for that event in the folder along with your hotel, airfare or rental car, meal, tip and taxi receipts. When you travel for business you deserve to get a deduction but make sure you keep your receipts and the documentation for the purpose of the trip so that you won’t be slammedwith a higher tax bill due to lack of books and records.


The IRS is extremely interested in people with money in off-shore accounts; particularly if the money is in accounts in countries they consider tax havens. They’ve been on a mission to repatriate money that they think has been illegally taken or transferred into overseas accounts, and lately the IRS and other international tax authorities have been successful in getting foreign banks to divulge people’s personal account information. That being the case, even if you have money in a perfectly legal account offshore, you could possibly be waving a red flag at the IRS.

Failure to report a foreign bank account can command harsh penalties. For example, failing to divulge assets exceeding $10,000 that are being held in foreign bank accounts could make you liable for penalties and fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

So, in order to eliminate any red flags for foreign finances, be sure to accurately report any foreign accounts. Reporting requirements are beyond the scope of this book, but if you have foreign accounts ask a competent accountant or lawyer for help.


When I was an IRS agent a person was a walking red flag if he or she was a politician or a preacher. Ambitious IRS agents would like to get the chance to audit politicians and preachers because if there were major adjustments or scandals that were found during the audit the information may make it to the news, either locally or nationally. How many times have you seen politicians or preachers in the news for having tangled with the IRS? These agents would be rewarded with promotions and even cash for bringing down someone powerful, and they would salivate at the chance to take a well-known person down.

This ends our discussion of red flags. I hope that this chapter will help you avoid becoming a red flag in the eyes of the Insidious Representatives of Satan!

Get your copy today!

3-Hour Coaching Package


Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson is the Expert Business Strategist you need to kickstart your Financial Freedom! Sherry has helped thousands of people start or grow a profitable business. Go from just surviving to thriving with a practical plan. Get started by placing your order for a 3 Hour Session.

From Broke to Six Figures: My Story

Course Price: $57.00

Course Description:

This set of videos tells you my story and talks about how having a home-based business taught me to thrive.

  • Video 1 Tells my story and why I believe that a home-based business is the best way to become debt-free and grow your income.
  • Video 2 Is a case study about Frivolous Fanta Favors; a woman that was steeped in debt, but after using several techniques to free herself, she was out of debt and thriving in under four years.

Coming Soon

This course answers the following questions:

  • Why Are Pastors Selected For Audit?
  • What Is Private Inurement?      
  • How Can The Pastor Avoid A Personal Audit?       
  • What If The IRS Selects The Pastor For Audit?     
  • How Can The IRS Audit A Church?   

This course also provides handouts, including the manual the IRS uses to audit pastors.






Coming Soon

This course answers the following questions:

  • Why Is It Important To Know The Legal Culture? 
  • How Should You Handle Power Struggles In The Church
  • How Should You Handle Nepotism In The Church
  • How Should You Handle Embezzlement In The Church  
  • How Should You Handle Credit And Identity Theft In The Church     
  • How Should You Handle Harassment And Other Sexual Issues In The Church       
  • How Should You Handle Rape And Molestation On Church Property 
  • How Should You Handle Improper Counseling In The Church  
  • Is There A Penalty For Ignoring Privacy Rights In The Church  
  • How Should You Explore Other Church Related Court Cases    

This course also provides handouts, including church legal cases and manuals to help you avoid or prevail in lawsuits.


Coming Soon

This course answers the following questions:

  • What Does The Bible Say About Wealth?    
  • How Can The Church Get Out Of Debt?      
  • What’s The Secret To Decreasing Church Expenses?
  • That’s The Secret To Increasing Church Income?   
  • Does A For-Profit Business Make Sense For Me, The Pastor?   
  • Should We Implement Saving And Investing For The Church?  
  • Understanding “Separation of Church and State”:
  • What Must A Church Render Unto Caesar – Attorney Nathan MacPherson     

This course also provides handouts, including wealth creation and asset protection sample methodology.

Coming Soon

In this course you will learn:

  • General Internal Controls Questions
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Financial System Management
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Funds Counting And Cash Receipts
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Donation Records/Giving Receipts
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Cash Disbursements
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Journal Entries
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Petty Cash Funds
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Bank Statement Reconciliation
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Savings And Investment Accounts
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Land, Buildings And Equipment
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Accounts Payable
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Insurance Policies
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Amortization Of Debt
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Securities And Other Negotiable Instruments
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Personnel Matters
  • Internal Controls As They Relate To Federal And State Reporting Obligations/Payroll

INTERNAL AUDITS – Are They Necessary And If So, How Often

EXTERNAL AUDITS – A re They Necessary And If So, How Often

Building Wealth from the Bottom up

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this course, I tell you who I am and how I became a champion for financial truth and justice. I describe what has happened in our society to make us sick, broke, misinformed and fearful, and who’s responsible for the deception of an entire nation of people. I explain the mindset of the poor, the middle class and the wealthy, and what you can do to change your mindset to a mindset of prosperity. I reveal how I lived like no one else so that later I could live like the wealthy.

Keeping Your Money Away from the IRS

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this course, I discuss what you should do if you are audited. I reveal the different types of audits and how the IRS uses your words against you to increase your taxes. I talk about the red flags that will get you audited, and remedies presented by paid promoters that can get you in trouble with the IRS. Finally, I touch on the methods the IRS uses to take financial resources from you if you are targeted.

Increasing Your Income

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this course, I teach you how to increase income and decrease taxes. I describe the difference between being self-employed and being a business owner, and I explain the meaning of elegant income. I discuss the benefits of having a home-based business and I describe the ideal portable home-based business. Also, I tell you what the IRS says about business deductions and I describe many deductible expenses.  Finally, I tell you the million dollar formula that my mentor shared to get me from being a wage earner to a six figure business owner within a year!

Wealth Creation

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this course, I describe the proper way to create wealth. I define wealth and financial freedom. I discuss short and long term savings accounts and reveal the difference between saving and investing. I define and describe “Hard Assets” and reveal how the wealthy invest. Also, I discuss joint venturing, international investing and asset protection. Finally, I lay out Your Recipe For Financial Freedom.

Tax Deductions for Business Owners

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

This course is a webinar that was conducted before tax season. Here I describe, in detail, many of the popular and even some unknown tax deductions that business owners can take but employees can’t. There is a short Q & A at the end of the webinar.

Keeping What You Earn

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

This “Keeping What You Earn” Course contains two recorded presentations that teach you ways to keep the money that you earn. Video 1 is a recording that Sherry created as part of a mini-series presenting her KPG System. Video 2 is the recording from her KPG Live event in Atlanta in August, 2023. Sherry instructs the participants on ways to reduce personal expenses and reduce business taxes.

Protecting What You Earn

Course Price: $147.00

Course Description:

This “Protecting What You Earn” Course contains three recorded presentations that teach you ways to protect your personal and business assets from lawsuits, from the government and other predators. The materials reveal how to avoid overpayment of taxes, how to set your business up for the greatest privacy, the red flags that will get you audited and if you do get audited, how to beat the audit.

Building Wealth from the Bottom up

Course Price: $147.00

Course Description:

This “Growing What You Earn” Module contains three recorded presentations that teach you the best ways to increase your income in the shortest amount of time, the benefits of a home-based business, your master plan to grow any business, your nine-step formula to increase income perpetually,  strategies to build a solid financial foundation and your action plan to build your wealth.

Keep, Protect, & Grow What You Earn - Bundle

Course Bundle Price: $347.00

Bundle Description:

Discover each area of the KPG system by grabbing this bundle and unlocking All three Courses:

  • Keep What You Earn
  • Protect What You Earn
  • Grow What You Earn

You will also get an exclusive copy of Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson’s best selling book – “How to Escape the Rat Race”. This is the perfect package to accelerate your Wealth Journey.


Home-Based Business 101

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

This set of videos starts you on your journey of selecting the right business for you!

  • Video 1 – In this video we discuss proper time management, then we talk about the criteria to meet when selecting a home-based business.
  • Video 2 – This video is a case study showing you how to make money blogging!
  • Video 3 – This video consists of Sherry answering the  personal questions of people that took part in this summer class. She  also answers their tax and business related questions.

1-Hour Coaching Package


Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson is the Expert Business Strategist you need to kickstart your Financial Freedom! Sherry has helped thousands of people start or grow a profitable business. Go from just surviving to thriving with a practical plan. Get started by placing your order for a 1 Hour Session.

Home-Based Business 102

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

This set of videos takes you further into exploring what business is right for you! It includes an introduction video, a case study and an interview.

  • Video 1 – In this video you determine whether your business ideas are relevant, and we start our discussion about a business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, or SWOT analysis.
  • Video 2 – In this video we dive further into the SWOT analysis, explaining their importance and how they increase your business success. We also create an imaginary business; Elite Cleaning Company, and we perform a full SWOT analysis for this company.
  • Video 3 – This video is an interview with Risk Management Analyst and expert SWOT analysis developer, Colin Jackson II.

Home-Based Business 103

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this set of videos, we take our selected business and begin to build it into a profitable venture.

  • Video 1 – In this video we flesh out our business’s structure, branding and ideal customer. We talk about the sole proprietorships, partnerships corporations and LLC’s. We also discuss the importance of having a website.
  • Video 2 – In this video we use the principles we learned about business structure, branding and customers, and we create a thriving photography and videography business.
  • Video 3 – This is a Bonus Video interview with wealth mentor Darrell Cook, who will teach us about leveraging the cash value of life insurance to build a family legacy!

Home-Based Business 104

Course Price: $147.00

Course Description:

This set of videos focuses on the tax aspect of a home-based business.

  • Video 1 discusses the pro’s and con’s of starting a tax preparation business. We also discuss taxes for the sole proprietorship, the partnership and the corporation; and we lay out some important business and personal tax deductions.
  • Video 2 is an actual case study on starting a tax preparation business, what it takes to practice before the IRS and what you have to look forward to when you open your doors for business.
  • Video 3 is an interview with former IRS Criminal Investigation Division agent Joe Banister.
  • Video 4 is an interview with successful Tax Attorney Nathan MacPherson of the MacPherson Group

Home-Based Business 105

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this set of videos we get ready to launch our business

  • Video 1 – In this video we start a fitness business and talk about everything needed to launch the business, including the pricing method that works for Sherry’s businesses.
  • Video 2 – This video contains a case study that explains in detail the chosen pricing method learned in Video 1 using a fitness business as the model.
  • Video 3 – This video is an interview with an award-winning certified personal trainer and we discuss entrepreneurship from a millennial’s standpoint. 

Home-Based Business 106

Course Price: $127.00

Course Description:

In this set of videos we discuss methods to get paid in our home-based businesses!

  • Video 1 – In this video we talk about the way people can pay for your products and services using Stripe, Square and Paypal. We also discuss the importance of having written invoices and agreements with your customers and clients.
  • Video 2 – In this video we go through the general steps to register with Stripe, Square and PayPal. We also go into more detail about creating agreements for your premium services.
  • Video 3 – This is a bonus video with my mentor Eugene Casternovia giving his take on asset protection.
  • Video 4 – This is a bonus video with Business Consultant Roger Grant where we discuss common law, statutory law and asset protection.

Home-Based Business 107

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this set of videos we discuss business tax deductions

  • Video 1 – In this video we will discuss the business of food and what ordinary and necessary tax deductions relate to this type of business.  We will also talk about a few ways to make money in the food industry.
  • Video 2 – The video is a case study that focuses on the business of food. We will make a cooking and weight management business viable and profitable.
  • Video 3 – This video is an interview with Sandy Lynch; a former 400 pound woman that turned her transformation story into a thriving business.

Home-Based Business 108

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this set of videos we will discuss non-profit organizations, their benefits and their relationship with for-profit corporations. 

  • Video 1 – In this video we learn about non-profit organizations, specifically the Community Development Corporation, and how they can be used to empower your community.
  • Video 2 – In this video we discuss the hybrid model of having a for-profit and a non-profit business working together to create a win-win situation for everyone involved.
  • Video 3 – This video is an interview with Phillippia Faust; expert grant writer and winner of multi-million dollar grants.  Phillippia explains what is required to write winning grant proposals, how to fulfill the grant mandates and how to keep the funds flowing.

Home-Based Business 109

Course Price: $97.00

Course Description:

In this set of videos we discuss digital courses as a home based business.

  • Video 1 – In this video we talk about how to create digital online courses as your home-based business.
  • Video 2 – This video is a case study in which we create an online course that can be sold as part of your home-basedbusiness. We will follow the formula from Video 1 so that you can see how to put those steps into action.
  • Video 3 – This video is an interview with Dr. Carol Peirce; a dynamic educator who explains how to take curriculum or books that you’ve already created, or are creating, and turn them into profitable courses that can be sold online to generate a new stream of income.

Home-Based Business - Series Bundle

Course Bundle Price: $997.00

Course Description:

Get every course in the series and a Bonus: 1 Hour Consultation with Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson.
NOTE: This package is worth $1,010 but YOU will only pay $997 and also get an hour strategy session with Sherry!
Series includes:
  • From Broke to Six Figures: My Story – $57
  • Home-Based Business 101 – $97
  • Home-Based Business 102 – $97
  • Home-Based Business 103 – $97
  • Home-Based Business 104 – $147
  • Home-Based Business 105 – $97
  • Home-Based Business 106 – $127
  • Home-Based Business 107 – $97
  • Home-Based Business 108 – $97
  • Home-Based Business 109 – $97


**Get the whole bundle plus one hour of consultation with Sherry for Only $997**

One-On-One Three-Month Coaching


Individual Consulting Sessions and Tailor-Made Assistance: Three Months – $5,997

Outcomes include but are not limited to:

  • Start a thriving business and make money faster than you spend it!
  • Be clear on what your business is or will be
  • Be clear on who you serve or will serve
  • Be clear on what you offer or will offer
  • Learn ways to obtain and retain loyal customers and clients
  • Learn the best ways to take payments with smooth transactions
  • Reduce or even eliminate your personal and business tax burden
  • Learn to structure your business for maximum privacy and tax reduction
  • Learn to structure your business to protect it from predators
  • Eliminate the pain of high taxes and low income generation
  • Learn strategies for your business to run while you are on vacation Create a blueprint for generational wealth for your grandchildren
  • Learn strategies to quit your full time job in a year
  • Be able to meet with Sherry on Zoom weekly
  • Be able to email Sherry personal tax and business questions
  • Be equipped to save thousands in taxes if you start your business NOW
  • Transition from the consumer position to the producer paradigm 

You will start your journey from not knowing the techniques and strategies to keep more of what you earn, to growing your money in a way that creates cash flow and economic independence!

Click Here to set up a time to discuss the package & any of your questions.

One-On-One Six-Month Coaching


Individual Consulting Sessions and Tailor-Made Assistance: Six Months – $10,997 

Outcomes include but are not limited to:

  • Start a thriving business and make money faster than you spend it!
  • Be clear on what your business is or will be
  • Be clear on who you serve or will serve
  • Be clear on what you offer or will offer
  • Learn ways to obtain and retain loyal customers and clients
  • Learn the best ways to take payments with smooth transactions
  • Reduce or even eliminate your personal and business tax burden
  • Learn to structure your business for maximum privacy and tax reduction
  • Learn to structure your business to protect it from predators
  • Eliminate the pain of high taxes and low income generation
  • Learn strategies for your business to run while you are on vacation Create a blueprint for generational wealth for your grandchildren
  • Learn strategies to quit your full time job in a year
  • Be able to meet with Sherry on Zoom weekly
  • Be able to email Sherry personal tax and business questions
  • Be equipped to save thousands in taxes if you start your business NOW
  • Transition from the consumer position to the producer paradigm 

You will start your journey from not knowing the techniques and strategies to keep more of what you earn, to growing your money in a way that creates cash flow and economic independence!

Click Here to set up a time to discuss the package & any of your questions.

One-On-One Nine-Month Coaching


Individual Consulting Sessions and Tailor-Made Assistance: Nine Months – $15,997

Outcomes include but are not limited to:

  • Start a thriving business and make money faster than you spend it!
  • Be clear on what your business is or will be
  • Be clear on who you serve or will serve
  • Be clear on what you offer or will offer
  • Learn ways to obtain and retain loyal customers and clients
  • Learn the best ways to take payments with smooth transactions
  • Reduce or even eliminate your personal and business tax burden
  • Learn to structure your business for maximum privacy and tax reduction
  • Learn to structure your business to protect it from predators
  • Eliminate the pain of high taxes and low income generation
  • Learn strategies for your business to run while you are on vacation Create a blueprint for generational wealth for your grandchildren
  • Learn strategies to quit your full time job in a year
  • Be able to meet with Sherry on Zoom weekly
  • Be able to email Sherry personal tax and business questions
  • Be equipped to save thousands in taxes if you start your business NOW
  • Transition from the consumer position to the producer paradigm 

You will start your journey from not knowing the techniques and strategies to keep more of what you earn, to growing your money in a way that creates cash flow and economic independence!

Click Here to set up a time to discuss the package & any of your questions.

One-On-One Standard Premium Coaching Package


*All Outcomes listed in general packages are included, plus: 

  • One Night Weekly KPG Private Coaching Sessions
  • All Weekly Coaching Sessions (Recordings)
  • Powerful Tax Eliminating/Wealth Building Videos
  • Dynamic KPG Video Series
  • Hosting An Unforgettable Event (Video Course)
  • Official KPG Online Course [Spring of 2024]
  • VIP Access To All Live Events through 2024
    Access to Bootcamp Videos
  • Bonus: How To Write A Winning Grant (Video Course) *w/Special Guest

Complete the form below and we will reach out and determine if you are a good candidate for the program.

One-On-One Deluxe Premium Coaching Package


*Everything from Standard Premium Package included, plus:

  • Speaking From the Stage Live Training + Video
  • Writing A Book: Your Pathway to Millions Live Training + Video
  • Building A Legacy with The KPG System Live Training 
  • Weekly One Night Per Week – Mind Makeover Training – Zoom Calls
  • Biweekly Office Hours For Your Specific Questions
    Strategy Sessions with Sherry & Special Guests
  • Bonus: Invitation To Join Sherry in Costa Rica for Plan B
  • Legacy Training* 3 Days – Lodging & meals included!
  • Other Exclusive Society Member Only Bonuses

*Transportation Not Included

*All Live Training Sessions are Hosted in Atlanta

Complete the form below and we will reach out and determine if you are a good candidate for the program.

Coming Soon

This course answers the following questions:

  • Why Is Having Financial And Administrative Integrity Important?
  • Why Is Having A Board Of Directors Important?   
  • Why Is Having Policies And Procedures Essential?
  • How Important Is Your Accounting System?
  • What Are Internal Controls?    
  • How Important Is Selecting The Right Staff?
  • Why Are Funds Counting Procedures Important?  
  • How Do You Account For Contributions?    
  • What Procedures Should Be Used For Honorariums?      
  • How Important Is Insurance For Churches And Pastors?  
  • How Should You Treat Contractors And Vendors? 

This course also provides handouts including sample policy and procedures, business office policy, and employee policy manuals, giving forms and contribution forms.