Get to Know Sherry

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV.
Mentally I would love to be more balanced between work and leisure, taking more time to relax. Physically, I would eliminate my love affair with cake, cookies pie and ice cream or make my body impervious to their effects.
Turn off all types of media for 90 days, read educational and spiritual/religious books, and spend time with your family. I believe that act alone would drastically change the world.
When I ride down the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica and round the corner into Puerto Viejo, all of my stress, worry and the heaviness of life immediately falls off and I can relax and feel peace.
How can We The People worldwide, gain back our unalienable God-given rights from the corporatocracy?
Not having the chance to be a greater influence on my family, especially my granddaughter.
Classic Star Trek because they traveled the galaxy as a unified group that had largely overcome racism and the vices of our world, and they experienced boundless life without all of the greed and “isms” that we currently face.
Be the best at whatever you do. Even if you decide to be a prostitute be the best one out there!
Spartacus, Rain Man, Fiddler on the Roof, Roman Holiday and Star TrekV1: The Undiscovered Country. All of these movies contained very profound life lessons for me and anyone that caught them.
The Holy Bible because it is truly the instruction book for life and happiness.
When I came home from prison I was broken and lying flat on my back. For me to get back up, build a successful business and earn a doctorate degree made me realize that if I can do it I can teach others to overcome adversity also.
Dedicated, Dependable, Determined
Travel the world and experience the different cultures.
When I was in sixth grade I realized I was different, and I tried to fit in by cutting up. My teacher, Mrs. Grow, kept me after school one day and told me that I wasn’t like the other children and told me to stop trying to fit in because it was good that I was different.
In high school it was geography, in undergrad it was history and in grad school it was apologetics.
When I was 15 my dad gave me a Black Enterprise Magazine featuring an article listing the top careers for black people. When he gave it to me he said, “You need to choose one of these careers because you like nice things.” I didn’t want to be a doctor because I don’t like blood. I didn’t want to be a lawyer because I knew many of our laws are unjust. Because I was good with numbers I chose accounting.
Helping clients reduce or eliminate taxes and helping them start sustainable businesses.
You can spend your time and energy making money for someone else and receiving a percentage of the profits, or you can spend that same time and energy creating your own and you’ll receive 100% of the profits. – Myron Golden
My greatest struggle was the realization that there is an ideal and a real, and that no matter how hard I tried, my ideal would never be real; I had to adjust my ideal to consist of a realistic combination of the things I had control over and the things I could change.
Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV.
Mentally I would love to be more balanced between work and leisure, taking more time to relax. Physically, I would eliminate my love affair with cake, cookies pie and ice cream or make my body impervious to their effects.
Turn off all types of media for 90 days, read educational and spiritual/religious books, and spend time with your family. I believe that act alone would drastically change the world.
When I ride down the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica and round the corner into Puerto Viejo, all of my stress, worry and the heaviness of life immediately falls off and I can relax and feel peace.
How can We The People worldwide, gain back our unalienable God-given rights from the corporatocracy?
Not having the chance to be a greater influence on my family, especially my granddaughter.
Classic Star Trek because they traveled the galaxy as a unified group that had largely overcome racism and the vices of our world, and they experienced boundless life without all of the greed and “isms” that we currently face.
Be the best at whatever you do. Even if you decide to be a prostitute be the best one out there!
Spartacus, Rain Man, Fiddler on the Roof, Roman Holiday and Star TrekV1: The Undiscovered Country. All of these movies contained very profound life lessons for me and anyone that caught them.
The Holy Bible because it is truly the instruction book for life and happiness.
When I came home from prison I was broken and lying flat on my back. For me to get back up, build a successful business and earn a doctorate degree made me realize that if I can do it I can teach others to overcome adversity also.
Dedicated, Dependable, Determined
Travel the world and experience the different cultures.
When I was in sixth grade I realized I was different, and I tried to fit in by cutting up. My teacher, Mrs. Grow, kept me after school one day and told me that I wasn’t like the other children and told me to stop trying to fit in because it was good that I was different.
In high school it was geography, in undergrad it was history and in grad school it was apologetics.
When I was 15 my dad gave me a Black Enterprise Magazine featuring an article listing the top careers for black people. When he gave it to me he said, “You need to choose one of these careers because you like nice things.” I didn’t want to be a doctor because I don’t like blood. I didn’t want to be a lawyer because I knew many of our laws are unjust. Because I was good with numbers I chose accounting.
Helping clients reduce or eliminate taxes and helping them start sustainable businesses.
You can spend your time and energy making money for someone else and receiving a percentage of the profits, or you can spend that same time and energy creating your own and you’ll receive 100% of the profits. – Myron Golden
My greatest struggle was the realization that there is an ideal and a real, and that no matter how hard I tried, my ideal would never be real; I had to adjust my ideal to consist of a realistic combination of the things I had control over and the things I could change.
Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss