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© 2023 S.P. Jackson Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson is the Expert Business Strategist you need to kickstart your Financial Freedom! Sherry has helped thousands of people start or grow a profitable business. Go from just surviving to thriving with a practical plan. Get started by placing your order for a 3 Hour Session.
Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson is the Expert Business Strategist you need to kickstart your Financial Freedom! Sherry has helped thousands of people start or grow a profitable business. Go from just surviving to thriving with a practical plan. Get started by placing your order for a 1 Hour Session.
*Everything from Standard Premium Package included, plus:
*Transportation Not Included
*All Live Training Sessions are Hosted in Atlanta
Complete the form below and we will reach out and determine if you are a good candidate for the program.
*All Outcomes listed in general packages are included, plus:
Complete the form below and we will reach out and determine if you are a good candidate for the program.
Individual Consulting Sessions and Tailor-Made Assistance: Nine Months – $15,997
Outcomes include but are not limited to:
You will start your journey from not knowing the techniques and strategies to keep more of what you earn, to growing your money in a way that creates cash flow and economic independence!
Click Here to set up a time to discuss the package & any of your questions.
Individual Consulting Sessions and Tailor-Made Assistance: Six Months – $10,997
Outcomes include but are not limited to:
You will start your journey from not knowing the techniques and strategies to keep more of what you earn, to growing your money in a way that creates cash flow and economic independence!
Click Here to set up a time to discuss the package & any of your questions.
Individual Consulting Sessions and Tailor-Made Assistance: Three Months – $5,997
Outcomes include but are not limited to:
You will start your journey from not knowing the techniques and strategies to keep more of what you earn, to growing your money in a way that creates cash flow and economic independence!
Click Here to set up a time to discuss the package & any of your questions.
Course Description:
TOTAL COST – $1,010
**Get the whole bundle plus one hour of consultation with Sherry for Only $997**
Course Description:
In this set of videos we discuss digital courses as a home based business.
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In this set of videos we will discuss non-profit organizations, their benefits and their relationship with for-profit corporations.
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In this set of videos we discuss business tax deductions
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In this set of videos we discuss methods to get paid in our home-based businesses!
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In this set of videos we get ready to launch our business
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This set of videos focuses on the tax aspect of a home-based business.
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In this set of videos, we take our selected business and begin to build it into a profitable venture.
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This set of videos takes you further into exploring what business is right for you! It includes an introduction video, a case study and an interview.
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This set of videos starts you on your journey of selecting the right business for you!
Course Description:
This set of videos tells you my story and talks about how having a home-based business taught me to thrive.
Bundle Description:
Discover each area of the KPG system by grabbing this bundle and unlocking All three Courses:
You will also get an exclusive copy of Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson’s best selling book – “How to Escape the Rat Race”. This is the perfect package to accelerate your Wealth Journey.
Course Description:
This “Growing What You Earn” Module contains three recorded presentations that teach you the best ways to increase your income in the shortest amount of time, the benefits of a home-based business, your master plan to grow any business, your nine-step formula to increase income perpetually, strategies to build a solid financial foundation and your action plan to build your wealth.
Course Description:
This “Protecting What You Earn” Course contains three recorded presentations that teach you ways to protect your personal and business assets from lawsuits, from the government and other predators. The materials reveal how to avoid overpayment of taxes, how to set your business up for the greatest privacy, the red flags that will get you audited and if you do get audited, how to beat the audit.
Course Description:
This “Keeping What You Earn” Course contains two recorded presentations that teach you ways to keep the money that you earn. Video 1 is a recording that Sherry created as part of a mini-series presenting her KPG System. Video 2 is the recording from her KPG Live event in Atlanta in August, 2023. Sherry instructs the participants on ways to reduce personal expenses and reduce business taxes.
Course Description:
This course is a webinar that was conducted before tax season. Here I describe, in detail, many of the popular and even some unknown tax deductions that business owners can take but employees can’t. There is a short Q & A at the end of the webinar.
Course Description:
In this course, I describe the proper way to create wealth. I define wealth and financial freedom. I discuss short and long term savings accounts and reveal the difference between saving and investing. I define and describe “Hard Assets” and reveal how the wealthy invest. Also, I discuss joint venturing, international investing and asset protection. Finally, I lay out Your Recipe For Financial Freedom.
Course Description:
In this course, I teach you how to increase income and decrease taxes. I describe the difference between being self-employed and being a business owner, and I explain the meaning of elegant income. I discuss the benefits of having a home-based business and I describe the ideal portable home-based business. Also, I tell you what the IRS says about business deductions and I describe many deductible expenses. Finally, I tell you the million dollar formula that my mentor shared to get me from being a wage earner to a six figure business owner within a year!
Course Description:
In this course, I discuss what you should do if you are audited. I reveal the different types of audits and how the IRS uses your words against you to increase your taxes. I talk about the red flags that will get you audited, and remedies presented by paid promoters that can get you in trouble with the IRS. Finally, I touch on the methods the IRS uses to take financial resources from you if you are targeted.
Course Description:
In this course, I tell you who I am and how I became a champion for financial truth and justice. I describe what has happened in our society to make us sick, broke, misinformed and fearful, and who’s responsible for the deception of an entire nation of people. I explain the mindset of the poor, the middle class and the wealthy, and what you can do to change your mindset to a mindset of prosperity. I reveal how I lived like no one else so that later I could live like the wealthy.
In this course you will learn:
INTERNAL AUDITS – Are They Necessary And If So, How Often
EXTERNAL AUDITS – A re They Necessary And If So, How Often
This course answers the following questions:
This course also provides handouts, including wealth creation and asset protection sample methodology.
This course answers the following questions:
This course also provides handouts, including church legal cases and manuals to help you avoid or prevail in lawsuits.
This course answers the following questions:
This course also provides handouts, including the manual the IRS uses to audit pastors.
This course answers the following questions:
This course also provides handouts including sample policy and procedures, business office policy, and employee policy manuals, giving forms and contribution forms.